Arms wide open

Friday, December 07, 2007

Reliance Broadband WiMax Router Configuration

Configuration of BCM96338 ADSL Router (Telsima StarMax 2150)
Change the IP Address of the client PC to and subnet mask

Use Microsoft Telnet Client to connect Wimax Router (IP Address:
Give the following user name and password.
UserName: support
Password: support

? - This command lists all commands supported by the router.
sh bs - This command lists all the base stations added, also displays RSSI and CINR values.
sh ip wimax - This command shows the IP Address allocated to the router by the Reliance DHCP server.
configure tuning base station name - This command is to tune to a particular base station.
more file name - This will display the content of a file.
configure bs del sector frequency base station name - This command will delete a base station.
configure bs add sector frequency base station name - This command will add a base station.
copy source destination
configure bcs - This command allows the configuration of Best Channel Selection Parameters.

Google Calendar Notifications via SMS

Just discovered that Google Calendar supports notification of events via SMS. This is something I always wanted from Google, Yahoo etc. It works instantly with Hutch-Karnataka (Bangalore) Carrier. I wonder what is the revenue model for it. How does Google manage to dole out such freebies?........Next will try Remote Calendar to sync Outlook 2003/Outlook 2007 with Google Calendar.